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The Gift of Christmas


[著者] Christine Leeson (著), Gaby Hansen (著, イラスト)

[出版社] Scholastic / ペーパーバック

[対象年齢] 4 - 8才

[概要] It's Molly Mouse's first Christmas. She admires the beautiful Christmas tree she sees through the window of a house, and wishes she could have one just like it. So encouraged by her mother, and with the help of her siblings, she sets off to find decorations for a tree of her own. After collecting bits and pieces of bright and shiny materials from various animals that would normally chase mice, the mice decorate a tree in the woods, only to be disappointed by the results of their labor. But in the middle of the night, something magical has happened, and all the animals of the wood come to admire Molly's tree.

[文章量] 1ページに 7 - 10行のペース。画像のタイトルが「The Magic of Christmas」となっておりますが、お届けする本のタイトルは「The Gift of Christmas」となります。